How to go prospecting with Fishing Magnets!
Posted by Daygin Prescott on
'Magnetic Fishing' has grown in popularity and is the new 'thing' in prospecting.
Usually people will be looking at making a score on something valuable beneath the water or removing trash from our waterways.
Our fishing magnets are made from a Neodymium Pot Magnet with a threaded shaft. The hook size and shape can be altered by simply screwing in a different sized one.
Neodymium or Rare Earth magnets are made using the latest technology for when extra strength is required and size is important. They provide the highest energy products available in any permanent magnet material
So, whether you are looking for valuable metals like coins or jewellery or wanting to clear our waterways of hazardous materials. Here at XL Mag Sunshine Coast we cater for all your fishing magnet needs.
Contact Us Today :)